Yoga services offered

Private Classes -
Enjoy the benefits of personalized attention in your own home or location of your choice, classes tailored to your individual schedule, individual needs and requirements.
Small Groups -
Enjoy the benefits of a yoga program in a small group and receive personalized attention to the specific characteristics and needs of the group. Contact for class schedule and locations
Corporate yoga -
Vanguard companies with a focus on taking cares of the quality of life of their employees will be taken care of in turn by their employees with an improved work standard, improved employee relations and less absenteeism due to stress and stress related illnesses such as back aches, digestive problems and depression.
Yoga Therapy-
Program for flexibility of the spine and backache prevention
One of the most important factors in maintaining a healthy body is a flexible spine. The yogis say that youth is determined by the flexibility of the spine, and old age is characterized by rigidity. Low back pain and upper back stress are some of the most common health complaints of adults. The best way to avoid backaches is to take care of the spine on a daily basis. This kundalini program of simple postures and breathing exercises helps to give flexibility and strength to the spine and to the supporting muscle groups, it is ideal for preventing as well as for alleviating back problems. This program helps to develop an awareness of the spine and helps to activate and open the energy flow along the spine.
Program for Patients undergoing Cancer Therapy and in recuperation - Healthy Breast Program
Research into the therapeutic benefits of yoga suggests that yogic breathing, meditation and relaxation techniques may help people diagnosed with cancer to cope better with surgery and chemotherapy and to reduce the physical and emotional side effects that may accompany the diagnosis and healing process.
Although investigation is in it´s early stages, many woman in treatment for breast cancer report that regular yoga practice has improved their emotional well-being and quality of life and
has simply made them feel better.
Program for Conscious Pregnancy
A Woman is the creativity of the creator.
A kundalini yoga guide based on the teachings of Yogi Bhajan to help women to enjoy the most creative and beautiful time of pregnancy with increased physical and mental well - being with safe gentle stretches to strengthen and tone muscles, alleviate lower back tension, improve balance as well as pranayama techniques to improve breathing and increase oxygen supply to all the body systems. Program includes special meditations to bless the child in the womb.
Yoga retreats - Spiritual Vacations offered in a natural environment in small country Inns in Mallorca, Madrid, Girona and New Hampshire. Retreats personalized to meet the specific needs of the group and may be programed for half a day, a day, a weekend, 3 days or more. Click link for example of a retreat program.
Yoga Workshops for transformation
Yoga is the highest supreme discipline, a powerful system of transformation
Workshops may be personalized to meet the specific needs of the group - Program may be made for a morning workshop of 4 hours or a full day of 8 hours. Workshop will include sadhana meditations for the age of Aquarius. Contact for more information
Meditation and relaxation techniques
Learn a variety of meditation and relaxation techniques to help to awaken the relaxation response and help to activate the inner physcian to bring about healing to body, mind and soul.
Walking Meditation
Enjoy the powerful benefits of a simple technique where we combine our two most basic activites, breathing and walking. We add consciousness to create a transformative experience for enhancing physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well being. With the practice of walking meditation it is possible to elevate mood, stay tuned into the present, and thereby alleviate stress, anxiety and depression.
Keep Fit travel Kit
Fitness Program For Frequent Flyers: Stretch, Strengthen and Tone with elastic therapeutic bands. Small, light weight travel kit, take it with you and exercise wherever and whenever walking, hiking or traveling with this light and simple exercise program, designed by Lifeyoga.
Water works - Water - yoga
Bad back, knees or shoulders all can benefit from a gentle water work out where your body weight is supported by the water making yoga stretches easier and more effective especially for problem areas such as backs and knees. Balance can also be greatly improved by practicing balance in the water, where there is no risk of falling.
Yoga -Pilates -Stretch
A combination of the ancient technolgy of yoga to consciously balance, stretch and align body, mind and spirit and the modern technique of pilates to mold, restructure and strengthen the body.
A dynamic combination to balance, energize, relax and rejuvenate.